This comprehensive course provides tools and
knowledge focused on building successful
careers. Perfect for students aged 14-21 with
an IEP or 504 plan.
Work Readiness assists with:
- Employment Goals - Professionalism
- Accomodations - Resources
- Resumes - Interview Prep
- Work Skills - Financial Literacy
Work Readiness
Self Advocacy
A course designed to empower for post-high
school life, eduation, and professional
careers. Self-awarenss, Self-determination,
Rights & Responsibilities, and Leadership
are explored. Perfect for students aged
14-21 with an IEP or 504 plan.
G. R. O. W
G.R.O.W. is a weeklong experiential
program that provides additional training
and support in Self-Advocacy, Career
Exploration, Workplace Readiness,
Counseling on Post-Secondary
Opportunities, and Work Based Learning
Experiences. Perfect for students aged
14-21 with an IEP or 504 plan. Provided
during school breaks.